Saturday, June 19, 2010

Roller Wonderland

My sister has my two older kids for the next week.

Just me and the baby here.

Yeah. It's awesome.

The last three weeks have been pretty busy around here.  Hot Stuff and I are still Unresolved, but he's been out of town for work for the most part so the level of drama around here is minimal. I have spent some time doing Things That I Want To Do and Things That Are Fun and it feels wonderful.  I went to see Joe Rogan last night.  He was mostly funny, but some of his routine was.. way over the line even for me, I guess. I thought his opening act, Ari Shaffir, was absolutely hilarious

I also joined a women's roller derby league.  I went to my first practice today and holy CATS it has been a long-ass time since I strapped on a pair of roller skates. When I was a kid, I had roller skates (roller blades didn't exist until I was a teenager).  In the summer time, the civic centre in my hometown thawed out the ice in the hockey arena and hung a disco ball; all the kids showed up on Saturday or Sunday (or both) afternoons for public skate and had a blast roller skating.   Anyways, some of it came back to me fairly quickly and other stuff... not so much.  Part of practice today involved learning to fall properly and I'm quite certain I will be a rainbow of interesting colors tomorrow.  Of course, since this is a full contact sport, padding is mandatory. Knee pads, elbow pads, wrist guards, approved helmet: check.  Not a single piece of gear prevented me from falling on my ass, which conveniently has lots of padding.

So I won't be around as much this summer, because I hope to be doing various and assorted fun stuff.


  1. ok, it's a culturally sanctioned (well not in the deep South but then we dip snuff) way for women to put the smack down on each other. Have some fun for me, ok?

  2. wow, it sounds like you're gonna have some interesting things to write about :) Roller derby is awesome. Several of my friends do it, but me? Yeah, too big of a klutz for all that.... Have fun!!

  3. "Unresolved" is a great way to put it. We are too. I used to love roller skating. Haven't tried it since I was a kid. xx

  4. your balls are bigger than mine. i want to see photos of the bruises and gashes.
    have fun and the mother in me is wishing you would "be safe".


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